Keep your industrial tires intact with anti-puncture products

Anti-puncture products for tires, a must


In manufacturing, productivity and efficiency are often directly linked to equipment availability. Industrial tires play a vital role in the operation of many machines, whether forklifts, construction vehicles or transport trucks. However, a flat tire can cause costly downtime and production delays. This is where industrial tire sealants come into play, providing an effective solution to minimize these drawbacks. 




Puncture protection products, such as sealants and puncture preventatives, are designed to prevent industrial tires from getting punctured and to automatically repair small punctures. Here's why they've become a staple in many industries:


Reduced downtime:

Flat tires are a common cause of unplanned downtime. Puncture protection products help minimize these interruptions by preventing punctures or repairing them immediately. 


Cost savings:

Tire repairs or replacing damaged tires can be expensive. Anti-puncture products extend the life of tires and thus reduce maintenance costs.


Security optimization:

A flat tire can be dangerous, especially on heavy machines. Anti-puncture products help maintain safe operations by avoiding potentially dangerous situations.


Improved productivity:

By avoiding downtime and interruptions, puncture protection products help keep production running, resulting in better productivity.



These products are suitable for a variety of industrial applications, from forklifts to construction equipment to agricultural vehicles. They can be used on a wide range of tires.


Protection proactive :

Anti-puncture products not only react to punctures, they also prevent them. This means you can rest assured that your tires are protected, even in demanding environments. 


When it comes to choosing a sealant, it is essential to consider tire size, working environment and equipment specifications. Once installed, these products work in the background, providing peace of mind and continued protection.


Anti-puncture products, a necessity!

In conclusion, industrial tire puncture protection products are not just a luxury, but a necessity in many industries. They are not only a wise investment to reduce maintenance costs and improve safety, but also to ensure smooth production and increased operational efficiency. So, consider equipping your industrial tires with this proactive protection for uninterrupted productivity. 



The Alltech Group offers you OKO puncture protection products:


Effective preventative puncture sealants


Life Long (NEW)

Life Long wheel and tire life extender

Designed for Mining and Construction vehicles where rims corrode and tyres are worn out in months. Not a sealant – a Life Saver for very expensive and short-lived big wheels and tires!



Off-road tire sealant

Designed to seal punctures up to 10mm in diameter (it can often achieve more depending on tire size, use and conditions). For most applications, replaces the need for solid fill: much cheaper, lighter and does not worsen the ride.


Mining tire sealant

Designed to seal punctures up to 20mm in diameter (it can often achieve more depending on tire size, use and conditions). For most applications, replaces the need for solid fill: much cheaper, lighter and does not worsen the ride.



Truck & Bus tire sealant

OKO Truck & bus provides a permanent seal with negligible loss of air pressure. It is a speed-rated puncture protection treatment that can seal multiple punctures as you drive, thus allowing commercial tires to remain operational for longer. It is water-based and rinses out harmlessly, allowing remoulding to take place.