Blaxtair; innovative technology that can save lives!

Pedestrian detection for industrial vehicle


Installed on off-road machines to help cover blind spots, Blaxtair is not just a simple backup camera. Able to detect all obstacles within 2m of an equipment, it can also distinguish a pedestrian from an obstacle, up to a distance of 8m. A distinction that wisely informs the driver, without a multiple of nuisance alarms.




How it works


Thanks to a stereoscopic sensor head, Blaxtair® detects and locates the obstacles using triangulation. A shape analysis of the obstacles determines whether they are pedestrians or not.

In real time, BLAXTAIR:

  • Sees all major obstacles
  • Analyzes shapes
  • Recognizes if it is a pedestrian
  • Warns the driver


This video explains the basics of the Blaxtair system.



For more information about Blaxtair Pedestrian detection system:



Safety on our construction sites should be a priority. What do you think?