Pushed to respect a hellish pace, the huge trucks that clear the streets of Montreal regularly overturn

«Snow removal is all about speed, about performance. That is problematic.»


Pushed to respect a hellish pace, the huge trucks that clear the streets of Montreal regularly overturn threatening to fatally crush workers.

The Commission for Standards, Equity, Health and Safety at Work (CNESST) even had to intervene last winter after three tipping semi-trailers in just one month at the quarry's snow dump. Saint-Michel, in the east of Montreal.

In addition to the wind, sometimes it is snow sticking to one side of the bucket that causes the tip to tip. When a truck's point of gravity is raised several meters in the air and tons of snow knock it off balance, a fall is inevitable. Mechanical breakdown can also be involved

Source: La Presse (french only)



How to evaluate and prevent the risk of overturning a dump truck when unloading? 


This risk is rarely properly evaluated


The overturning of trucks along with the dump trailers is a major cause for serious and fatal accidents in the transport sector. The majority of the time they are due to the lack of knowledge of the stability principles linked to unloading the dumper.


Read more about :  Factors to consider in order to prevent the risk of overturning or Unloading a dump truck without overturning



Tools are available to help the driver's vigilance;

Save time and money with Sentinel.

Sentinel 1.0

Security system for raised dumper and/or PTO Activated.

Informs the driver when the truck is functioning and the dumper is rised.



Sentinel 2.0

Security system which prevents overturning

Informs the driver of potential dangers of height and tipping.