Productivity & Security


The Alltech Group provides solutions tailored to your business needs that: Reinforces security, Improves productivity, Reduce operating costs.


Learn more through our various chronic:


Watch out for heat stroke

A heat wave is settling over Quebec for the next few days!


*** Notice to all workers on construction sites *** 

Attention au coup de chaleur; adaptez votre rythme de travail et prenez des pauses, de préférence à l’ombre ou dans un endroit frais.



​How to prevent heat stroke




Tips to prevent heat stroke!

  • Drink at least a glass of water every 10, 15 or 20 minutes, even if you are not thirsty.
  • Wear light clothing, light colored, preferably cotton (promotes sweat evaporation).
  • Cover your head to work outside.
  • Adjust your work pace according to your acclimatization to the heat and climatic conditions (e.g. heat, humidity, sunshine).
  • Take breaks (hourly, and for an appropriate length of time) in the shade or in a cool place.


Source: CNESST 



Visit the CNESST website for more advice.


You need to see this


Function & Use


A heavy-duty tire sealant. OKO prevents punctures and stops tire deflations as you drive. OKO seals the hole in the tread area the moment the puncture happens. Designed for use in the harshest off-road environments.


"Lasts the legal life of the tire."


Deals with loss of air and eliminates the puncture problem by providing a permanent seal to any hole in the tread area caused by puncturing objects with a diameter of up to 10mm.

OKO OFF Road Concentrate has sealed holes up to 20 mm. Minimal amount of OKO is used in making each seal.

OKO Puncture Free remains inside the tire even after multiple sealing events. For both tubeless pneumatic tires & inner tubes.




Suitable for: All Heavy Off Road & slower-moving vehicles, that include:

  • VAgricultural vehicles – Tractors, Harvesters, and ALL Farm Vehicles. Useful for Grass Cutting, Forestry & Logging vehicles with pneumatic tires.
  • Industrial & Construction vehicles – Excavators, Earth Movers, Road makers, Diggers; Wheel loaders; Refuse & waste disposal.


Typical Users:

Agricultural, Forestry & Timber Industries, Mining, Quarrying, Building & Construction, Road Making & Allied Industries including Military forces


The Benefits:

Protection against flat tires. The cost of protecting a four-wheeled vehicle is far less than the cost of one tire.


Remoulds: OKO causes NO problems. OKO washes out.

Vulcanising: First remove OKO with water, then dry tire with a “BUFSOL” solution.

Retreading: Often limited by the life of the tire’s inner liner. OKO can keep a tire in a “like new condition” longer, allowing the casing to be re-treaded more often. OKO assists in making retreads last longer.




An aqueous glycol based solution comprising specially treated constituents of the highest grade, environmentally friendly rust inhibitors for anticorrosion purposes, adhesion agents, gums and preservatives, held in suspension to provide a carefully engineered matrix.

  • Non Corrosive - Non Flammable - Non Hazardous - No adverse affect upon tires or wheel rims.
  • Product - Natural Off White colour. Viscous. Low Odour
  • Quantity - Refer to bottle, drum label, charts or contact your representative


Sizes available


  • 25 Litre Drums
  • 200 Litre Drums (special order)




No risk and safety labels or warnings are required since this product is not classified as hazardous under current regulations.

Speed: OFF Road OKO is designed for slower moving heavy industrial vehicles. It should not be used in ON Road vehicles or driven at speeds in excess of 80 kph (50 mph).





OKO products, ISO 14001 & ISO9001 certified







How to choose an on-board scale for wheel loader?

Today, quarries and sand pits are more competitive than ever.


Your ability to load more precisely and more efficiently than a competitor can make the difference between being a producer of materials and being the best producer of materials.



The key to success is having the right tools!


This is why on-board scales have become a necessity for small and large quarries. Today's scales are reliable, economical, and as easy to use as smartphones. Once implemented, they quickly help quarries minimize errors, optimize payloads and reduce cycle times. And just as important, they allow operators to stay focused on what they do best: moving materials.


However, the market is full of choices and opinions that can make investing in on-board scales confusing. We have therefore compiled a list of the five most important things to consider when looking for an on-board scale for your operations:


Five criteria to consider when choosing an on-board scale




An on-board scale must deliver an accuracy of approximately one percent or better. Although it sounds small, a margin of error greater than 1% can easily cost thousands of dollars a day for a busy quarry. Your scale must also guarantee precise performance regardless of common variables such as temperature changes throughout the day, site slope, operator technique or operator experience.


Extended functionalities


Beyond the optimization of the payload, a good on-board scale will also include functionalities capable of increasing efficiency in other areas. Good examples include the ability to totalize a machine's payload for a full day or more, automatically calculate bucket payload without operator intervention, and easily adjust the last bucket to a specific target payload (Target weight).


Data management


Data is the new added value - it has proven itself, is simple and useful in many different situations. And the better your data, the easier it will be to keep your machines and operations running smoothly and efficiently. On-board loader scales - such as the Pfreundt series WK60 & WK60 SWT scales - have the advantage of being connectable to an web portal. This means that you will be able to track payload data remotely from your laptop or cell phone. The WK60 series also include easy reporting functions and options to add and / or customize data capture fields. You can also consider adding an on-board thermal or impact printer (coupon) to make truck and individual load information immediately available to drivers, customers, or any other staff who need it.




Reliable Wi-Fi and / or cellular connectivity between the office, equipment and scale is essential to eliminate downtime and improve processes and customer service. A scale that lets you connect from the desktop in real time will help you quickly identify underproduction, understand why it is happening, and do what is necessary to get back on track. In addition to these capabilities, the most modern scales - such as the Pfreundt WK60 - further extend this connectivity in real time, allowing operators to receive orders from customers in the cabin immediately after their request from the Pfreundt web portal.




Any scale you purchase must include a good warranty, installation by a qualified technician, and responsive technical support after installation. As mentioned above, The Alltech Group now offers Pfreundt brand on-board scales, a German brand that only manufactures systems with an accuracy of +/- 1% and that can be certified legal for trade in countries that accept this option.


PFREUNDT On-board scales: 


On-board scales offer to quarries new levels of precision, efficiency and productivity that were not possible until recently. And whether you are on the market for the purchase of an on-board scale for a new wheel loader, or want to equip older machines, the Pfreundt WK60 scales will provide the performance you need to optimize loads useful, accelerate cycle times and truck rotation, manage and analyze data, and improve workflow.


Blind spots on heavy equipment

The blind spots of heavy vehicles are a great danger for workers who are on construction sites. These areas of the road are outside the driver's field of vision.


What is a blind spot? 

A blind spot is an area around the vehicle outside the driver's field of vision that cannot be seen in the rearview mirrors or through the windows. The taller and longer the vehicle, the bigger the blind spots.



Caution is required

Did you know that heavy vehicle drivers do not always see you? Like motorists, truck and bus drivers can not see parts of the road around their vehicles. Due to the large dimensions of heavy vehicles, blind spots are areas where the risk of collision is higher. Also motorists and cyclists must avoid dangerous maneuvers when they are there.


Every vehicle has blind spots

In general, the taller and longer the vehicle, the bigger the blind spots.


Where are blind spots located?

Blind spots are all around vehicles, but their size and location vary according to the type of vehicle. The main blind spots are located in front, at the rear and on the sides of the vehicle.

There are also other blind spots, such as those caused by rearview mirrors and pillars on either side of the windshield.

Some types of vehicles, such as tool vehicles and vehicles fitted with auxiliary equipment (e.g. snowblowers, snowplows, etc.) can have additional blind spots. When you are near one of these vehicles, be careful!


Source: SAAQ




Tools are available to help the driver vigilance;

Maximize your vision and security on the work site by installing an industrial camera: 


Backup camera


Backup camera system improving safety around industrial vehicles. It supplies a precise vision of the environment to the driver.


Radar detection system


Collision avoidance system to prevent collisions between machinery and objects / pedestrians. It is mainly used on heavy equipment and commercial vehicles. It provides a visual and audible alert to operators to avoid any potential danger.


Pedestrian detection for industrial vehicle


Intelligent on-board camera which helps to prevent collisions between construction machinery and pedestrians. Combined with good practice and organizational safety measures, it is the only efficient and reliable answer to meet the safety demands of the construction, road work and mining sectors. 




How OKO puncture free works?

Permanent Puncture Sealing


Puncture sealing depends partly upon centripetal acceleration (often wrongly described as ‘centrifugal force’). This in the case of a moving vehicle is the force of the tyre’s circulation, and it imparts a huge pressure which – combined with the sudden loss of air – when a puncturing object causes a hole, forces the OKO violently into a small space. The squeezing effect causes OKO to deploy as it is designed to do, turning it from a liquid into a flexible but very strong solid that seals the hole almost instantaneously.


Little air is lost and only a few ml of OKO is used: the rest of the liquid in the tyre well keeps on revolving, ready to counter the next puncture, for the legal life of the tyre.


Unlike other sealant companies, OKO has invested heavily in independent testing, using meaningful protocols. To assess whether its seal is genuinely permanent, a strength test was carried out by the world-renowned military testing institution, Gerotek. The tyre industry recognises two ‘permanent’ repair types: vulcanising and plugs. On testing each system to destruction, the Institute found that OKO was 1.6 times stronger than vulcanisation: and 7 times stronger than a plug repair.


People often ask why the OKO does not gum up a tyre valve when you let a little air out. In this situation there is no centripetal acceleration and the OKO is not deployed, also the sealant is not normally in proximity to the valve.





OKO is built to last. Based upon water and anti-freeze agents, it is formulated so that all of its active ingredients remain in suspension and no shaking is required. Far too many water-based sealants require you to shake before using – and that is the sign of a sealant that will not work for the long term.


Many people have tried to analyse and duplicate the OKO formulae but all have failed: because some of the most critical elements are present in such small quantities that they will not register in analyses.


We also do not skimp: from the quality of the rubber crumb particles, to the fibres and the powders that act to seal the punctures by bonding with the rubber tread, we select the best, not the cheapest. Cutting-edge products from the leading chemical companies in the UK, Germany and USA are deployed to maximum effect.



Added Benefits Deploying


OKO brings with it added-value benefits that help to lengthen tyre life. All tyres are porous and many vehicles run on under-inflated tyres, leading to uneven tyre wear as a result. OKO seals the tread area, thus reducing air loss. The liquid helps to draw away some heat from the tread, which builds up its temperature the longer it is in motion. Heat and under-inflation are the prime causes of premature tyre wear. The rubber suffers from drying out and the friction effects of the road and the wheel/tyre drag also contribute to wear. OKO can help to condition the tyre from inside.


For more information about OKO products: