Raised dump body light and sound warning system

Security system for dump trucks



"The amendments to the Highway Safety Code include provisions requiring that all heavy vehicles with a dump body be equipped with a warning system that is automatically activated until the dump body is completely lowered. As of April 2019, all heavy vehicles with a dump body whose height when raised exceeds the maximum height allowed must be equipped with a warning system that is automatically activated until the dump body is completely lowered. "


The penalty: Offenders face a fine of $350 to $1,050.  

At the moment, the regulation and technical specifications, such as, the sound level, location, color or the flashing light frequency, have not yet been established. It is therefore, too early to modify the targeted vehicles.


Next Steps

Once the regulation project is implemented, those interested will have a 45-day period to send in their comments for the project. These comments will be reviewed and if needed, the regulation project will be modified in consequence.

Thereafter, the regulation could enter into effect. The SAAQ (Société d’assurance automobile du Québec) will make known the technical specifications so that all owners and users will be able to proceed with the required modifications.


Source: https://saaq.gouv.qc.ca/en/vehicle-registration/mechanical-inspection/raised-dump-body-light-sound-warning-system/


Sentinel 1.0


Groupe Alltech recommends Sentinel 1.0 system. Rest assured we will respect all criteria chosen by this new Safety Code


For more information on Sentinel systems: