3000th Allfett System!

The 3000th Allfett Lubrication System has been installed by the Alltech Group!


The installation of the 3000th Allfett system was performed on the John Deere 844K loader. Thanks to the Nexus Construction team.



Thank you to our customers!


The installation of the 3000th Allfett system is an important step. We take this opportunity to thank all our customers, employees, suppliers and partners for the trust you have given us over the years. You have helped our business get to where we are today.



Alltech Group – The strength of a network!


It was in 2002 that our team started with Allfett systems. Most of the installations were made locally (Quebec, Canada). Over the years, distributors have joined our team in order to provide better service to our customers.

Today, twenty distributors across eastern Canada and the United States are joining together to provide you with local support. The experience of each of the distributors generates strength in the network. Together, we form a team that works at your service!




ALLFETT automatic lubrication: 


ALLFETT lubrication systems protect your equipment by providing continuous lubrication at regular intervals to the lubrication points. Lack of grease, heavy loads, dust, and water enemas prematurely wear out your moving parts. Our systems offer performance, versatility and reliability.

ALLFETT automatic lubrication systems keep an eye on your investment by reducing the costs of maintaining your machinery fleet, increasing the life of parts and equipment, thus allowing considerable time savings and the availability of your equipment is increased.