


OKO Long Life - Long lasting corrosion protection on all rims

OKO Life Long tire and rims life extender


Designed for Mining and Construction vehicles where rims corrode and tires are worn out in months



Not a sealant! 

Life Long is a free-flowing liquid formulated in a whole new way, incorporating cutting-edge technology. The nanotechnology lays down a thin layer, cleaning and protecting steel or alloy rims. UV component brightly shows up bead/o-ring/rim leaks and tire slits, in the workshop for rapid action


Liquid prevents air loss, cools and conditions the rubber:

On average, achieving 30% longer tire life



OKO LifeLong is a major step forward in heavy-duty wheel and tyre protection. It does more for both than any previous generation of product.


The weak points of similar products often include the lack of protection for static rims from the moisture-heavy air inside the tyre; the inability to protect alloys; either no anti-freeze to cool the tires or harmful types of product being used; no clear indication of leaks; and the depletion of product that can lead to instructions to top up by 20% after a time..

Life Long overcomes all of those issues and is the natural choice for operators. It will not clog valves or TPMS, and it is biodegradable. The carboxylate technology of the liquid even succeeds in cleaning away pre-existing rust so rims can look better after use than before! Nitrogen fill can be used after fitting Life Long, but actually why would you bother with the extra expense when this product generates such a massive improvement in tire life?

OKO Life Long is primarily designed for use off the highway, and only in tubeless tires. It can also be used on road for heavy trucks and service vehicles, having observed OKO’s recommended dosage quantities.




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